How can I add a user from the command line on win 2003 workgroup? Posted on February 21, 2011 by dpejic The simple answer is to use the net user <username> <password> /add (/domain) Example: 1. net user test1 Pa$word /add 2. net user test1 Pa$w0rd – this command only change password
Remove Lingering Objects In ad Posted on February 14, 2011 by dpejic Ok, command to execut is: 1. I use replmon to find out which server not replicate and have lingering object 2. In "servername" belowe replace with your problematic server 3. After that you need to use GUID (f943c62b-7d26-4504-81e0-2d68bff70d21) of healthy dc from which you wont to synchronize 4. /advisory_mode is only test to see if…
iptables Posted on February 5, 2011 by dpejic # KAD na nekom hostu imamo iptables onda je pretezno konfiguracija u rc.loca(vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local ) # promjenimo sta treba i onda samo izvrsimo /etc/rc.d/rc.local # When you have a host iptables ond configuration is predominantly in rc.loca (vi / etc / rc.d / rc.local) # Changing what should be and then just perform / etc…
Modifying Schema AD for custom attribute Posted on February 3, 2011 by dpejic If for example you're asked to add a new attribute to the user class in your Domain, you can do this by modifying your AD Schema. Modifying AD schema is not always about adding new attributes, you can also add new class or modify existing ones and also activate or deactivate class and attributes. Before…