27 articles Exchange 2010

Migration Exchange 2010 to 2013 tips – SOLVED Password prompts from Windows XP

The problem here is that the CertPrincipalName msstd:mail.domain.com does not match the common name in the certificate that is *.mail.com. So in order to fix this we usually runs the command  Set-OutlookProvider -Identity EXPR -CertPrincipalName msstd:*.domain.com. This force the CertPrincipalName to be msstd:*.domain com which match common name. Voila! For more information about the OutlookProvider…

Display Desktop Notifications For Mail Coming Into Any Folder

Introduction I’ve been asked many times over the years how to get Outlook (up to 2010 anyway) to display a desktop notification for mail that arrives in any folder (due to incoming mail rules), as the in-built ‘New Mail Desktop Alert’ will only display for mail that is delivered directly to the Inbox. You could…

Exchange Tools to help us All !

Exchange Client network Bandwith Calculator BETA2  –  This tool will help reduce the risks involved in Exchange Server network bandwidth planning, the Exchange Client Network Bandwidth Calculator has been designed to help anyone planning an Exchange Server deployment to predict the network bandwidth requirements for a specific set of clients.  The prediction algorithms used within…

how to check mailbox usage of users and send report to e-mail address

1. download script below (userquota.txt) and rename it to userquota.PS1 2. edit field to accommodate your organization 3. execute script from exchange powershell ## explanation what need to be edit $ToAddress = "your.email@yourdomain.com"    –  this is address where to send report. can be external address $SendingServer = "mail.yourdomain.com"           –  This is the mail server through…

Troubleshooting Exchange 2010 Management Tools startup issues

Issue: Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message: The WinRM client cannot process the request. It cannot determine the content type of the HTTP response from the destination computer. The content type is absent or invalid. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic. OWA redirect not done properly and powershell virtual…

Setting Message Size Limits in Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007

A huge amount of business happens through the medium of email and, as such, email is naturally one of the Business Critical applications in almost every organization. With that in mind, maximizing the performance of your Exchange infrastructure is clearly a priority, and restricting the average message size which your users can send/receive is a…

Create new owa virtual directory

Prior to this we must first make a site called "clients" New-OWAVirtualDirectory –Name "owa" –WebSiteName "clients" Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -identity "owa (clients)" -DefaultClientLanguage 3098 This is if you want to set the default one language, so that clients do not need to choose the first time they login to OWA 3098 is code for  Serbian (Latin) lenguage

Public Folder Messages are Blank — Message bodies appearing blank in messages within public folders?

We have a large number of public folders used to hold e-mail messages.  I have found recently that some, but not all, folders have messages that do not have any content.  These messages did have content when they were moved/copied to the folders. SOLUTION: In my case problem is solved  by switching off integration of…

Exchange standard vs enterprise licence

Exchange 2010 Feature Details Exchange 2010 Server Licenses: Existing features have been significantly enhanced and new features have been added to both of the Exchange Server editions. The following table provides a feature breakdown for each server edition of Exchange Server 2010: Feature Standard Server Edition Enterprise Server Edition Mailbox Databases 1-5 databases 6-100 databases…