8 articles Linux

Mail is bounced because of quota, quota is set correctly and user is not over quota

Ispconfig 3. Mail is bounced becous of quota, quota is set correctly and user does not ower quota error in /var/log/maillog :  “quota string ‘*’ not parseable maildrop: maildir over quota. )” vi /etc/authlib/authmysqlrc MYSQL_SERVER localhost MYSQL_USERNAME ispconfig MYSQL_PASSWORD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MYSQL_PORT 0 MYSQL_DATABASE dbispconfig MYSQL_USER_TABLE mail_user MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD password #MYSQL_CLEAR_PWFIELD password MYSQL_UID_FIELD uid MYSQL_GID_FIELD gid MYSQL_LOGIN_FIELD…

howto install and configure bacula backup and bacula-web on fedora 15 using yum

Install all of the following packages. Dependencies are listed inside {} and will install automatically. yum install mysql-devel {mysql} yum install myql-server yum install bacula-storage-mysql {bacula-common} {bacula-storage-common} {fedora-usermgmt} {fedora-usermgmt-core} {fedora-usermgmt-default} {fedora-usermgmt-shadow-utils} yum install bacula-docs yum install bacula-director-mysql {bacula-director-common} yum install bacula-console-gnome ( optional, if you install bacula on fedora core not needed ) yum install…

How to set time in linux

While logged in as root do the following: Type "date". You should see some variation of" "Wed Nov 24, 9:29:17 EST 1999" To change the time type(as an example): date -s 10:10 The system response will be: "Wed Nov 24, 10:10:02 EST 1999" Then if you want to set the hardware(BIOS) clock so the system…


# KAD  na nekom hostu imamo iptables onda je pretezno konfiguracija u rc.loca(vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local ) # promjenimo sta treba i onda samo izvrsimo /etc/rc.d/rc.local # When you have a host iptables ond configuration is predominantly in rc.loca (vi / etc / rc.d / rc.local) # Changing what should be and then just perform / etc…