8 articles Miscellaneous

SOLVED – caller id & call block function cannot uninstall / Cannot delete Caller ID app vivavideo

Hello everyone, I have trouble to get rid of this annoying app and i was despaired. Whenever I get a call I get an additional blue pop up with the number details and after the call ends a blue screen popsup. It reads “Free caller ID“, I read lots of articles but nothing was right. finally i solve this by…

SOLVED – Google drive Error: backup and sync needs to quit error: 3798EE08

Hello everyone, In my case error is this, and i could not sync google drive. For those who may still be experiencing issues, please try the following step Type in  %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Google\ an Explorer window. > rename “Drive” folder to Drive.OLD If you have problem with rename go to task manger and stop googledrivesync.exe process and…

Manage your USB devices access – Disable USB and restrict everyone access to usb

USB Lock Standard free download Progeram for manage usb access and can be denied or allowed precisely for the individual user. The USB-Blocker  is a security solution of access control of employees. This tool does not lock the entire USB port. Download program below P.S. If you are satisfied with this article you know how…

Xbmc with best free movie add-ons database on the world

Download free movie from megaupload trough simple search. Ok, let’s start install best movie database on the world :), for free ofcourse First download zip file named XBMC&moviedatabese (link below) and unziped it, then install the program Xbmc. After installing the program install movie add-ons. Run Xbnc program and then go to “System -> Add-ons…

Remove or Reset Trend Micro OfficeScan,client/server or security server Uninstall Password to Default

Trend Micro Office Scan: So how to uninstall or remove Trend Micro Office Scan when the password to uninstall is unknown or lost? Here’s a simple hack to remove or reset the uninstallation password for TrendMicro OfficeScan, after which user can uninstall Trend Micro Office Scan by using the default password. Search for Ofcscan.ini file.…

cyrillic converter word 2010 – transliteration for word 2010

Convert Cyrillic text to Latin with the help of  “yu converter“, or the word translit 2010.(Ćirilicu u latinicu)Yu converter can be installed on any version of  Word and even into 2010, just open word file YuCirLat08.doc and press gump you see.For translit, follow the installation instructions contained in the zip. If you are satisfied with…