12 articles Windows Server

SOLVED: Problems installing KB3172614 – Error message – “The update is not applicable to your computer.”

My environment is Windows 2012 R2 Server DC on which I can’t install KB3172614 because is needed for PAM Bastion trust domain. Command on Domain Controler netdom trust /? was not list parameter /enablePIMTrust which was needed. I first install April 2014 update KB 2919355 and after that, I can install KB3172614 update that solve…

Migrate/move share folder to another location/server with preserved share state and permission

To save only the existing share names and their permissions on Windows follow these steps. Note This procedure applies only to NetBIOS shares and not to Macintosh volumes. On the existing Windows installation that contains the share names and permissions that you want to save, start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe). From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to…

WinMgmt could not initialize the core parts;Windows couldn't log the RSoP (Resultant Set of Policies) session status- SOLVED. (Event Source: WinMgmt, Event ID:28; Event ID: 1090)

Event Type: Error Event Source: WinMgmt Event Category: None Event ID: 28 Date: 28.10.2011 Time: 11:33:42 User: N/A Computer: servername Description: WinMgmt could not initialize the core parts. This could be due to a badly installed version of WinMgmt, WinMgmt repository upgrade failure, insufficient disk space or insufficient memory. For more information, see Help and…

FIXED: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM

Here are the symptoms. You try to start up your Windows 2000/XP (Vista too?) computer and you get a message, white text on black background: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM or Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SOFTWARE Sometimes, the message…

how to open pptx, docx in internet information service (IIS 2003) on web site

Yes, it's just an IIS setting: by default, it will only serve files for which the extension matches a defined MIME type. To allow .docx files to be downloaded, follow the steps: Open the IIS Microsoft Management Console (MMC), right-click the local computer name, and then click Properties. Click MIME Types. Click New. In the…

Installing and Uninstalling Roles and Features Using Ocsetup ( From Windows Core Install)

You can use Ocsetup.exe to install or remove roles, role services, and features on Server Core. The Ocsetup.exe syntax is case sensitive so you must type package names exactly as shown below (or exactly the same as in the output of the Oclist command). To install and uninstall a role, role service, or feature, you…