EMail\Database Disaster Recovery

This page contains the information related to E-Mail Recovery, Database Recovery and Disaster Recovery scenarios, all the information posted below are related only to Exchange Server 2010 and Outlook 2010. Following are the Topics that are going to be discussed here

1. How to Recover a Shift Deleted E-Mail in outlook 2010

By default 14 days of deleted mails will be stored in the dumpster and we restore the mails using the above mentioned steps in the diagram

2. How to recover a deleted Mailbox in Exchange Server 2010

We have two options to delete a Mailbox in Exchange Server 2010.

Disable – It will remove only the mailbox related attributes from the Active Directory account, where we can restore the delete mailbox within the retention period gets completed. Default is 30 days

Remove – It will delete the mailbox and remove the Active Directory account from the server. This option will show the delted mailbox in Disconnected mailbox container, but we have to recreate the AD account to readd the mailbox to the same account

If a Mailbox in Exchange Server 201o got deleted, it will be stored the Exchange Dumpster based on the retention period set at the database level.

We have an option to view the disabled mailbox from the Disconnected Mailbox tab under Recipient Configuration. Right the account and select connect to add the mailbox to respective AD account

3. How to recover a mailbox from the backup in Exchange Server 2010 – Lets take a situation where the mailbox retention period gets over and we are having the backup of the Mailbox Database and we want to restore a mailbox from the backup. Click on the link to find the details

4. How recover a crashed Exchange 2010 Server

Let us assume the functional exchange 2010 server got crashed due to hardware failure, here are the steps that need to build the server again.

  • Arrange a new Server with the same operating system as like the failed server and assign the same drive letter for the databases and the log files directory
  • Reset the Active Directory Account for failed server
  • Install and configure the perquisites that are needed to install Exchange Server 2010
  • Ensure the network connectivity and configure the new computer with the correct IP address same like the crashed one
  • Join the new computer with the domain controller with the same computer name as a failed server
  • Run the setup \Mode:recoverserver
  • Restore databases on the location of the new Disks, if needed replay the transactional logs
  • If it is non mailbox servers, restore the configuration files from backup or from other servers like transport server configuration for Hub and External and Internal access urls for Client Access Server etc.

dpejic has written 85 articles

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