Forward Email to externel mail address in exchange 2010/2007

To forward mail that arrived to us to a foreign address, first we need to make exchange mail contact that refers to an external email and then activate forwarding.

How to do that? Folow next lines


 Create a MailContact
Create a MailContact using the EMC:
  1. Expand Recipeint Configuration | Mail Contact
  2. In the Action pane, click New Mail Contact
  3. To create a new Contact object, leave the default (New Contact) selected | click Next
  4. Type First name, Last name
  5. Click Edit to add the external email address
  6. Click New to complete creation of new MailContact
Next, we set the recipient’s Delivery Options to deliver to the alternate recipient.
Forward mail for a recipient to the MailContact
Now that we have a MailContact created for the external recipient’s email address, we can forward mail for the Exchange recipient to the MailContact. To configure mail forwarding using the EMC:
  1. Expand Recipeint Configuration | Mailbox | select mailbox | properties | Mail Flow Settings tab | Delivery Options
  2. Under Forwarding address, select the Forward to checkbox
  3. Click Browse to select the MailContact

    Figure 1: Modifying Delivery Options to forward email to an alternate recipient
  4. Optional: If a copy of the message needs to be delivered to both the external recipient and the original recipient’s mailbox, select the Deliver message to both forwarding address and mailbox
  5. Click OK to close Delivery Options properties
  6. Click OK to close recipient’s properties

dpejic has written 85 articles

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